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Casos de éxito

What Is The Difference Between Authentication And Verification?

Are you wondering what the difference is between authentication and verification? Authentication and verification are two important concepts in security that can be used to protect networks, systems, and data. While these two terms are always used together, they have distinct meanings. Authentication is the process of determining the identity of a person or an object. Verification, on the other hand, focuses on confirming that something is true. To know more about these two concepts, read on. What is Verification? Verification is more of a confirmation of what is already known. It is a process of confirming that something is true or valid. For example, when someone gives you their name, verifying it would mean checking to make sure that the person is who they say they are. This can be done by asking for proof such as an ID card or other documents. Here are some examples for you […]

Experience The Future of Learning

We’re excited to be participating as a Premium Sponsor at Blackboard‘s virtual conference, BbWorld21 on July 13-15 and 20-22. Join us and thousands of educators, administrators, and thought leaders from the global education community for this interactive digital event. There’ll be keynote addresses, breakouts sessions, and workshops designed to provide industry insights, best practices, and a clearer vision of the future. This year’s key topics include teaching and learning experiences, the latest EdTech trends, data and analytics, student success, institutional change, accessibility, product integrations, and community engagement.​ On Wednesday 14 July (11.05am–11.20am ET) and Thursday 22 July (1.50pm–2.05pm ET ) you’ll hear from our leaders as they discuss ‘How Remote Proctoring is Shaping the Future of Global Online Education’. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with the Sumadi team throughout the six days of the conference, and experience our automated proctoring solutions with live demonstrations. BbWorld is a free event. You can […]

Sumadi Recognized in Europe’s Top 10 EdTech Startups

Sumadi is proud to have been listed as one of the Top 10 EdTech startups in Europe. Enterprise Security magazine included us in the annual listing of 10 companies that are at the forefront of providing EdTech Startup solutions and impacting the industry. Our Executive Director, Raul Rivera spoke to Enterprise Security about our startup journey and the plans to strengthen our presence as a leading online education solutions provider. Here’s what they had to say about us: “As online learning reaches a broader market, education technologies like Sumadi will play a significant role. With such unparalleled capabilities and affordability, Sumadi is bound to reach greater heights.” Read more about this story in Education Technology Insights.

Online Learning and Assessments – the status quo

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, there was high growth and adoption of education technology. Globally, EdTech investments reached US$18.66 billion in 2019, while looking forward, the market for online education is projected to reach $350 billion by 2025. Major world events often give rise to innovation. The pandemic has not forced the rise of education technology, only accelerated it, and pushed it towards greater innovation. As we approach the second anniversary of the pandemic (the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020), many believe online learning and the need for education technology are here to stay. Online learning effectiveness There are many benefits to online learning, with evidence suggesting it can be more effective (for those with access to the right technology). Studies by the Research Institute of America show that on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online compared to only 8-10% in a classroom. Many students are able […]

Five Tips To Take The Stress Out Of Online Exams

As many students prepare for a busy exam period ahead of the spring break, this list of five tips will help minimize their stress and ensure they’re prepared. Prior to undertaking an exam, test-takers should review and understand the exam rules, so they know what is and isn’t allowed. It’s important to be aware that talking to others, using headphones, switching between browsers on a computer, and using a phone is not permitted. It’s also worth noting that guidelines can differ from one type of exam to the next, so always check the guidelines for the specific exam being taken. Checking the computer is set and ready well in advance of an online exam is key. Test-takers should check what systems are necessary and whether their computer is compatible. Is particular hardware required? Does the software need to be downloaded ahead of time? SUMADI™ has an easy-to-refer-to list of requirements […]

Tips For Online Exam Instructors

With online exams becoming more common, we’ve compiled this list of tips for proctoring instructors – from writing clear exam instructions and ensuring test-takers are familiar with the proctoring solution, to understanding proctoring results and seeking support. Effective exam instructions Just as you establish protocols for an in-class assessment, so too is the case for proctored exams – most importantly, the exam conditions and rules (e.g. what materials a test-taker can have with them during an exam, what behaviours are prohibited). Ensure your exam instructions are clear and well understood by your proctoring solutions provider, and can be easily interpreted and followed by your test-takers. One of Sumadi’s distinctive attributes is that we use minimum system requirements to ensure correct use and avoid inconveniences during an exam. We recommend test-takers verify that their computer meets the minimum requirements according to the platforms outlined in our help center. We also recommend you […]

SUMADI Case Study | AWS Databases

Partnering with Amazon Web Services has enabled SUMADI™ to provide our clients with cost-effective, scalable proctoring solutions with real-time reporting capability. Today, we use Amazon Rekognition models for face and object detection, AWS Lambda functions to process messages, Amazon DynamoDB for storing image metadata, and Amazon API Gateway to assist our chat application. Since migrating to AWS in 2020, we’ve been able to cost-effectively scale our proctoring services to support 50,000 concurrent users, each generating one record every 30 seconds – an increase of 25 times compared to before. In this case study, our Director of Product Development, Francisco Perez and Enterprise Architect, Julio Elgueta discuss how our partnership with AWS helps our clients deliver education remotely, flexibly, and on demand. Visit here to read our complete case study:  Sumadi Case Study | AWS Databases ( To find out more reasons why you should choose SUMADI™, contact us at:

Why Choose SUMADI?

With a wide range of proctoring solutions on the market today, you may well have wondered why choose one over the other. We’ve prepared this snapshot of five key reasons why you would choose SUMADI™. We believe we’ve got a strong differentiation and a solution you’re going to love. We’re different We use the latest AI-powered facial and typing pattern recognition, authentication and browser tracking solutions to ensure the integrity of online assessments. We offer the only automated proctoring solutions that can be delivered: Proven secure, large-scale assessments Using Amazon Web Services’ Global Cloud infrastructure (the most secure, extensive and reliable cloud platform) SUMADI™ is able to segregate deployments in multiple regions around the world, delivering in excess of 50,000 assessments at any one time. Just one example of how our solutions have been used for large-scale, yet highly secure online assessments is our work with the Colombian Institute for […]

Leading The New Way In Proctoring

With a wide range of proctoring solutions available today, you may have wondered why choose one over the other? Here are five reasons why you should consider SUMADI:

Importance of Online Assessment in Education

Online assessments have become increasingly important in education, not only because they are less expensive but also because they allow educators to assess student achievement in real time. While some educators view online assessments as a replacement for traditional tests, others believe that online assessments can complement them by providing more accurateand timely information about student progress. In this article, we look at some of the more popular types of online assessments and explore the benefits of online assessment tools in education. What Are Online Assessments? Online assessments have become a popular way for students to demonstrate their knowledge. They are also a great way for teachers to get an idea of what students know and where they need help. There are different types of online assessments, but all of them allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in a way that is convenient and efficient. In most schools, students are now being assessed using online tools and programs. This is in contrast to the traditional […]

Providing The Best Support Experience For Test-takers

At SUMADI, we ensure our test-takers (and their test monitors) are fully supported ahead of and during an exam. That way, test-takers can focus on what matters most – performing their best. With SUMADI Chat, our Helpdesk team and self-service portal, help is always available – whenever it’s needed. SUMADI Chat improves the support experience SUMADI Chat enables test-takers to get their questions answered immediately – which is likely to be at an important moment when they need prompt help with questions or problems they can’t solve during an exam. Rather than having to explain an issue or provide contact details repeatedly, with SUMADI Chat, a test-taker’s support history and program details are available to the exam monitor without asking for them. This can be crucial for test-takers – with respect to time and stress levels during an exam. Our recently improved SUMADI Chat offers useful tools to support communication […]

Estudio de caso de Sumadi | Bases de datos de AWS

La asociación con Amazon Web Services ha permitido a SUMADI™ brindar a nuestros clientes soluciones de supervisión rentables y escalables con capacidad de generación de informes en tiempo real. En la actualidad, utilizamos modelos de Amazon Rekognition para la detección de rostros y objetos, funciones de AWS Lambda  para procesar mensajes, Amazon DynamoDB para almacenar metadatos de imágenes y Amazon API Gateway para ayudar a nuestra aplicación de chat. Desde que migramos a AWS en 2020, hemos podido escalar de manera rentable nuestros servicios de supervisión para admitir 50 000 usuarios simultáneos, cada uno generando un registro cada 30 segundos, un aumento de 25 veces en comparación con antes. En este estudio de caso, nuestro director de desarrollo de productos, Francisco Pérez, y el arquitecto empresarial, Julio Elgueta, analizan cómo nuestra asociación con AWS ayuda a nuestros clientes a brindar educación de forma remota, flexible y bajo demanda. Visite aquí para leer nuestro estudio de caso completo:  Estudio de caso de Sumadi […]

Protecting Your Academic Integrity With Proctoring

In today’s world of online learning and online assessments, proctoring is a valuable resource for higher education institutions to protect their academic integrity. Academic integrity  means acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research.  Proctoring of online exams, utilizing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, helps to uphold these values, as it has been proven to reduce cheating and make assessments more accurate. How does proctoring work? Proctoring monitors a test-taker during an exam via their webcam, which records images of them and their environment while the exam takes place. A recording of the exam session is provided to the institution’s instructor should there be any ‘flagged’ incidences (i.e. suspicious behaviour) that needs to be reviewed, during or after the exam.  The first step in a proctored exam is to authenticate the identity of a test-taker – that is, […]

Here’s Why Using an Online Proctoring Solution is Beneficial for your Institution

As students return to their classrooms for face-to-face learning, are there still benefits for institutions in the online proctoring of assessments? Here we discuss the advantages, which demonstrate why many believe the momentum of online assessments is set to continue. Academic integrity Academic integrity means acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research. Proctoring of online exams, utilizing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, has been proven to reduce cheating and make assessments more accurate. Assurance A comprehensive, well-designed proctored online exam offers students and faculty the assurance that all test-takers are participating on ‘a level playing field’. Online proctoring equalizes the testing environment to make sure exams are fair for all. Exam design and techniques (such as SUMADI’s browser lockdown and reporting to evaluators in real time) deter prohibited behaviors and significantly reduce the potential for cheating. Convenience […]

Helpful Hints to Maintain Academic Integrity

Academic integrity during online examinations should be honest, fair, and responsible. However, some challenges get in the way of maintaining this value, given how learning providers conduct their examinations today. There are many ways to maintain academic integrity during crucial examination period which can help facilitators do their monitoring job. This article tackles ways on how to promote honest and transparent online examinations. What is academic integrity? Academic integrity is a value expected among people in the academic community. From academic officials and teachers to researchers and students, academic integrity should be built with honesty, fairness, and respect. Protects reputation Academic integrity protects the character of students and promotes good moral standing. It also protects the teaching profession and the whole academic community. Rejects misconduct By putting academic integrity on top of every academic undertaking, you instill responsibility within the academe, especially among students who are more vulnerable to misconduct. Online Exam Security Tips Online examinations are prone to dishonesty due to their remote orientation. Virtual monitoring limits […]

What is Academic Dishonesty?

Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. It can include plagiarism, collusion, cheating on exams, and fabricated or falsified data. While this is a common problem most schools and colleges face, it is also one that is hard to define. This is because academic dishonesty can take many different forms, and what may be considered dishonest in one context may not be considered so in another. What Is Academic Integrity and Why Does It Matter? Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the academic enterprise. It is the commitment to creating and sharing knowledge in an honest, responsible, and fair way. Here are some reasons why it matters most to have in schools, colleges, and its students: Protects reputation Academic integrity is essential to the reputation of any institution of higher learning. Cheating and plagiarism erode the trust that is essential to the functioning of the academic community. Provides knowledge The sharing of honest and original […]

Protecting Your Academic Integrity With Proctoring

In today’s world of online learning and online assessments, proctoring is a valuable resource for higher education institutions to protect their academic integrity. Academic integrity  means acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research. Proctoring of online exams, utilizing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, helps to uphold these values, as it has been proven to reduce cheating and make assessments more accurate. How does proctoring work? Proctoring monitors a test-taker during an exam via their webcam, which records images of them and their environment while the exam takes place. A recording of the exam session is provided to the institution’s instructor should there be any ‘flagged’ incidences (i.e. suspicious behaviour) that needs to be reviewed, during or after the exam. The first step in a proctored exam is to authenticate the identity of a test-taker – that is, […]


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