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What is Academic Dishonesty?

Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. It can include plagiarism, collusion, cheating on exams, and fabricated or falsified data.

While this is a common problem most schools and colleges face, it is also one that is hard to define. This is because academic dishonesty can take many different forms, and what may be considered dishonest in one context may not be considered so in another.

What Is Academic Integrity and Why Does It Matter?

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the academic enterprise. It is the commitment to creating and sharing knowledge in an honest, responsible, and fair way.

Here are some reasons why it matters most to have in schools, colleges, and its students:

Protects reputation

Academic integrity is essential to the reputation of any institution of higher learning. Cheating and plagiarism erode the trust that is essential to the functioning of the academic community.

Provides knowledge

The sharing of honest and original academic work is essential to the advancement of knowledge. When students engage in academic dishonesty, they are not only cheating themselves out of an education, but they are also cheating the rest of the academic community

Delivers value

An education is a valuable commodity, and students who engage in academic dishonesty are taking advantage of the system. This not only hurts the individual students, but it also devalues the degree for everyone else.

Fosters trust

Academic integrity fosters trust between students, faculty, and administrators. When this trust is broken, it can be difficult to repair.

Types of Academic Dishonesty

There are many different types of academic dishonesty, but some of the most common include:


This is the act of presenting someone else’s work as your own. It can include copying another person’s words or ideas without giving them credit, buying or stealing papers, or using someone else’s research without crediting them.


This is the act of using dishonest means to obtain a favorable result. Cheating can include copying from another student, using prohibited materials during an exam, or collaborating with someone else when you are not supposed to.


This is the act of making up data or information. It can include inventing data for a lab reportfalsifying results, or creating sources that don’t exist.


This is the act of altering data or information. It can include changing your answers on an exam, doctoring sources, or manipulating research data.

Contract Cheating

This is the act of paying someone else to do your work for you. It can include hiring someone to write a paper, taking an online exam, or completing an assignment.


This is the act of helping someone else to commit academic dishonesty. It can include allowing another student to copy your workproviding them with prohibited materials during an exam, or collaborating with them when you are not supposed to.


This is the act of working with someone else to commit academic dishonesty. It can include working together on a paper or project, sharing answers on an exam, or helping another student plagiarize.


This is the act of interfering with another person’s academic work. It can include damaging their work, altering their grade, or preventing them from completing an assignment.

What are the Causes of Academic Dishonesty?

There are many different factors that can contribute to academic dishonesty.

Some of the most common include:

Pressure to perform

Students may feel pressure to succeed from their parentsteachers, or themselves. This pressure can lead them to take shortcuts, such as cheating or plagiarism, in order to get good grades.

Peer pressure

Students may feel pressure from their peers to cheat or plagiarize in order to keep up with them. They may also feel like they need to cheat in order to be accepted by their peers.

Lack of knowledge

Some students may not know that what they are doing is considered academic dishonesty. Others may not be aware of the consequences of academic dishonesty.

What happens if you commit academic dishonesty? The consequences of academic dishonesty can be very serious.

Some of the most common include:

  • Failing the assignment or class
  • Receiving a lower grade on the assignment or in the class
  • Being placed on academic probation
  • Being suspended from school
  • Being expelled from school
  • Having a permanent record of academic dishonesty

In conclusion, academic dishonesty is a serious issue with serious consequences. If you are ever tempted to cheat or plagiarize, remember the potential repercussions. It is always better to be honest in your academic work!

We at Sumadi ensure examination integrity in all academic institutions by providing innovative and effective solutions to prevent and detect academic dishonesty. Our team is committed to working with educators everywhere to promote integrity and fair play in examinations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your academic goals!

Última actualización el 12 de marzo de 2023


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