
Mantente al día con las últimas novedades de Sumadi. Descubre cómo nuestras soluciones están impactando el mundo de la educación digital y la supervisión de exámenes. Aquí encontrarás actualizaciones sobre nuestros logros, colaboraciones estratégicas, y avances tecnológicos que marcan la diferencia en el sector educativo, corporativo y gubernamental.

Casos de éxito

MonitorEdu and SUMADI Collaborate to Launch Enhanced Live Proctoring Solution

SUMADI and MonitorEDU, both leading providers of proctoring solutions, are excited to announce their strategic partnership, resulting in the development of a groundbreaking Live Proctoring solution. This collaboration combines the expertise of both organizations to deliver a cutting-edge product that integrates SUMADI’s AI technology with MonitorEDU’s highly trained professionals, revolutionizing the field of online proctoring. Live Proctoring with AI, the flagship product resulting from the SUMADI and MonitorEDU partnership, harnesses the power of advanced artificial intelligence and the meticulous oversight of trained professionals. This innovative solution is designed to address the evolving challenges of remote examinations, ensuring academic integrity and enabling organizations to conduct secure and trustworthy online assessments. By integrating SUMADI’s AI technology, the Live Proctoring solution provides real-time monitoring and analysis of exam sessions. The advanced AI algorithms can detect potential cheating behaviors, such as unauthorized assistance or plagiarism, ensuring the integrity of the examination process. Additionally, MonitorEDU’s […]

SUMADI and Instructure, the Maker of Canvas, Forge Pathways to the Future of Education

In an exciting stride towards the future of education, SUMADI, the AI-powered online proctoring solution under the umbrella of Laureate Education Inc., is proud to announce a strategic partnership​ with Instructure, the leading learning platform and maker of Canvas LMS​.​ ​This transformative collaboration is set to redefine the landscape of education, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge LMS capabilities with state-of-the-art assessment security.  Canvas by Instructure has earned a reputation as a preferred LMS solution, chosen by colleges, universities, businesses, and organizations for its user-friendly interface and adaptability. Canvas ​is​ the go-to ​LMS solution for educators around the globe. In parallel, Sumadi brings a world of possibilities through its innovative fusion of artificial intelligence and security-focused solutions, creating an environment where educators and learners can thrive. The ​cloud-based nature ​of both Canvas and SUMADI ​ensure​​ accessibility and scalability, making ​them​​​ an ideal choice for institutions of all sizes.  This affiliation underscores the commitment […]

Improving Confidence, in Education: Utilizing AWS Power of Supported Solutions, for ICFES

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation (ICFES) has undertaken a monumental responsibility: to administer nationwide mandatory exams with unparalleled efficiency, unwavering effectiveness, and strict security measures. Among its chief objectives is the safeguarding of test-taker identities and the prevention of any form of cheating during the examination process. The journey towards this ambitious goal led ICFES to embrace innovation, partnering with and deploying Sumadi and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to redefine the paradigm of education assessment. A commitment to integrity ICFES recognized the importance of maintaining its reputation for fairness and integrity in the face of challenges. With a core focus on upholding credibility and embracing advancements, ICFES aimed to be a shining example of assessment excellence. Guided by this commitment, ICFES embarked on a transformative journey, determined to ensure the integrity of remote examinations while embracing the benefits of technological progress. To navigate […]

With an innovative partnership, SUMADI and I-OnAsia are leading the way in online assessment security

SUMADI, the leading provider of safe automated proctoring for online assessments, is thrilled to announce an exciting partnership with I-OnAsia, a leading provider of global risk management solutions. With this collaboration, we hope to provide clients with the most advanced and secure online assessment options available. Our industry-leading service and support strategy compliments I-OnAsia’s expertise well. Our AI-powered facial and typing pattern recognition, authentication, and browser monitoring solutions are customized to fit the specific requirements of each client. We can broaden our reach and ensure the successful delivery of our solutions by working with I-OnAsia. SUMADI understands the value of data security and privacy. We adhere to the most demanding global standards, including the Open Web Application Security Project’s (OWASP) Top 10 Proactive Controls and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our collaboration with I-OnAsia brings together the expertise of two industry leaders dedicated to data protection, providing clients with […]

WestTelco and SUMADI Partner to Promote Digital Transformation in the Educational Field

West Telco, destacado proveedor de soluciones tecnológicas, y SUMADI, reconocida empresa de tecnología educativa, unen fuerzas en una emocionante nueva alianza con el objetivo de transformar el panorama educativo. Esta colaboración estratégica aprovecha las fortalezas de ambas organizaciones para ofrecer soluciones innovadoras que moldearán el futuro del aprendizaje. El compromiso de West Telco de proporcionar servicios de comunicaciones unificadas y colaboración vanguardista se alinea perfectamente con la visión de SUMADI de revolucionar la educación a través de la tecnología. Al combinar su experiencia, ambas compañías están preparadas para crear una sinergia poderosa que tendrá un impacto profundo en los sistemas educativos a nivel global. La alianza entre West Telco y SUMADI permitirá a las instituciones de educación aprovechar soluciones avanzadas de conectividad y plataformas tecnológicas educativas de última generación. Al integrar la sólida infraestructura de comunicaciones de WestTelco con la innovadora suite de herramientas educativas de SUMADI basadas en inteligencia […]

Next-Generation Proctoring: SUMADI's AI-Based Solution Takes Online Exams to the Next Level on AWS Marketplace

SUMADI, a leading proctoring company that utilizes artificial intelligence, is now available on the AWS Marketplace. Founded in 2019, SUMADI’s goal has always been to provide its proctoring solution to the world. We are proud to have achieved this milestone by partnering with Amazon, which is a significant achievement for our product and commercial teams, who have worked tirelessly to bring our cutting-edge solution to the market. SUMADI’s AI-based proctoring solution is a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly option for online education and assessment. It has been designed to ensure authenticity and integrity during online examinations. The solution uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to detect any signs of suspicious behavior, including plagiarism, impersonation, and unauthorized material usage. We are excited to offer SUMADI’s solution on the AWS Marketplace, as it allows educators and administrators to seamlessly integrate our proctoring solution into their assessment workflows. This integration represents a significant […]


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