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Why Choose SUMADI?
With a wide range of proctoring solutions on the market today, you may well have wondered why choose one over the other. We’ve prepared this snapshot of five key reasons why you would choose SUMADI™. We believe we’ve got a strong differentiation and a solution you’re going to love.
We’re different
We use the latest AI-powered facial and typing pattern recognition, authentication and browser tracking solutions to ensure the integrity of online assessments. We offer the only automated proctoring solutions that can be delivered:
- in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Arabic),
- simultaneously,
- at scale,
- with real-time client reporting (capable of processing millions of images per hour).
Proven secure, large-scale assessments
Using Amazon Web Services’ Global Cloud infrastructure (the most secure, extensive and reliable cloud platform) SUMADI™ is able to segregate deployments in multiple regions around the world, delivering in excess of 50,000 assessments at any one time.
Just one example of how our solutions have been used for large-scale, yet highly secure online assessments is our work with the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES – part of Colombia’s Ministry of National Education). Working with CognosOnline and Open LMS, our solutions enabled the delivery of 326,000 online state exams to students located across the country, as well as abroad. As a result of the success of the project, Colombia became the first country in the world to carry out exams on such a large scale, online and simultaneously.
Born in the cloud and easy to integrate
SUMADI™ was developed from the outset as a cloud-based platform, without legacy systems, which allows for greater efficiency of cloud computing and enables the latest software architecture.
Data security
SUMADI™ is committed to the highest standards of data security and privacy, and we comply with the most stringent global standards. These standards include the Open Web Application Security Project’s (OWASP) Top 10 Proactive Controls and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Customer support with tailored solutions
We understand exams can require different monitoring, so solutions, services and support are customised to best meet our clients’ needs. Once implementations are in place, our Global Customer Care team trains our customers in the use of Sumadi’s solutions, with follow up sessions scheduled regularly or on demand. Self-service resources through help.sumadi.net, email and live chat are available 24/7 in English and Spanish.
To find out more reasons why you’d choose SUMADI™, contact us at: sales@sumadi.net

Última actualización el 12 de marzo de 2023