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Providing The Best Support Experience For Test-takers
At SUMADI, we ensure our test-takers (and their test monitors) are fully supported ahead of and during an exam. That way, test-takers can focus on what matters most – performing their best. With SUMADI Chat, our Helpdesk team and self-service portal, help is always available – whenever it’s needed.
SUMADI Chat improves the support experience
SUMADI Chat enables test-takers to get their questions answered immediately – which is likely to be at an important moment when they need prompt help with questions or problems they can’t solve during an exam.
Rather than having to explain an issue or provide contact details repeatedly, with SUMADI Chat, a test-taker’s support history and program details are available to the exam monitor without asking for them. This can be crucial for test-takers – with respect to time and stress levels during an exam.
Our recently improved SUMADI Chat offers useful tools to support communication between exam monitors and test-takers during an exam. These improvements include added functionality for exam monitors, to support chats for:
- different exams of a course at the same time
- multiple exams of different courses at the same time
- streaming behavior – to keep the chat available in multiple tabs
Helpdesk support and self-service portal available 24/7
Our Helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week – for SUMADI users who need support outside of an exam (for example, when registering a test-taker profile or scheduling an exam).
Our Helpdesk allows users (whether they are test-takers, faculty or exam monitors) to contact our SUMADI support team directly. Please note: this support is not available to test-takers during an exam. They must contact their exam monitor directly via SUMADI Chat (see above).
In addition to SUMADI Chat and our Helpdesk, we have a self-service portal that has a range of content to assist SUMADI users at any time. It’s easy to use and simple to navigate to the type of content that will assist you.
Última actualización el 12 de marzo de 2023